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What to Prepare for When Divorcing a Narcissist

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Narcissists feel that they are good in everything they do and everybody else is second rate. They are constantly arrogant, utterly jealous of others, and lack the ability to put themselves in other people's shoes. Divorcing a narcissist partner is a nightmare that you can only navigate by through preparation and understanding of your partner's personality disorder. Here are some of the complications such a divorce partner can put you through:

Difficult Negotiations

Imagine negotiating with a person who believes it's their way or the highway. This means, for example, that they will want to dictate what you deserve during asset division, believing that they know your situation and financial needs. In many cases, it's wastage of resources to negotiate with such a person since you may spend many hours and not come up with an agreement. 

Winning Mentality

It's extremely difficult to have a peaceful divorce where one of you wants to win. In divorce, everybody loses in terms of financial resources or family togetherness. This means you are headed for trouble if one of you is approaching the issue with the intention of emerging victorious. If they can't get their way in court, your partner may resort to unorthodox means of "winning;" they may hide assets from you and under-report their earnings so that they devalue the alimony or child support you deserve.

Maintaining Control over You

Narcissists also love to be in power, especially over those they deem to be inferior (and this includes many people). To be in power means to control others; so don't be surprised if your narcissist spouse starts to engage in power games to control you. They may lock you out of the family money, threaten to throw you out of the house if you don't "toe the line," or even keep the kids away from you.

Painting You as the Guilty Party

Since a narcissist believes that they are right, it follows therefore that they will believe you are in the wrong if you don't agree with them. Your narcissist spouse, therefore, will say negative things about you to paint you as the guilty party, or the bad one.

This is one of the cases where you shouldn't try a DIY divorce or any kind of divorce that doesn't involve a family lawyer. Consult a law firm like Bray & Johnson Law Firm to help you protect yourself from the machinations of your spouse and ensure that your legal rights are respected throughout the divorce.
