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Divorce Attorney Tips When You're The Lower-Earning Spouse

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Divorce is a tricky affair regardless of your financial situation. However, the lower-earning spouse has to approach the process with a lot more caution and a great deal of preparation. When you get divorced, you'll be back to living on your lower income and this may mean a sudden change in your life that you are not ready for.

To ensure that you get through the divorce and still end up in a fairly stable state, there are a few things that you can do.

Don't Be Too Proud to Petition for Spousal Support

When you've been in a very long marriage, you may have become accustomed to certain things. Having to suddenly downgrade can be a lot harder than it initially seems.

If you've been married longer than a certain period of time, you may be entitled to spousal support. Take advantage of this opportunity to ensure your life after the divorce doesn't start on a rough patch. Just think of it as money you're owed for all the sacrifices you've made for the sake of your marriage over the years.

You Should Know How Much Your Spouse is Making

When your spouse is earning a lot more money than you, they have a very good incentive to hide some of their property or earnings from you. Many spouses only come to realize that the other person has been hiding a fortune over the years when they're about to get divorced. You should know how much money your spouse is making and what assets they own, just in case they don't show up during negotiations.

Fight to Get Health Benefits

Don't let divorce leave you without a medical cover. In case your spouse was the one paying for the medical coverage and you don't have your own plan, you can petition to stay in that plan for up to three years. If you let these benefits slip away, you may find it very expensive to stay healthy.

Choose the Right State

In 41 states in the US, judges assess how property is to be split based on the principle of equitable distribution. However, in the other states, marital assets are split 50-50. Therefore, if you're hoping to get a larger share of the marital assets, the equitable distribution may not work in your favor.

Get a Good Divorce Lawyer

A divorce attorney, like Law Offices Of Helen Allen, will increase the likelihood that you'll get a fair settlement from the divorce. The burden of paying them may also not be entirely on you.
