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When to Reach Out to a Child Custody Law Service

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Sharing custody of your children with another individual isn't always as cut-and-dry as it seems. Although certain television shows or movies might portray a custody situation as one big happy family, the reality could be completely different. There are worries and concerns that come along with leaving your children with someone else, even if that person is their other parent. If you find yourself dealing with any of the following scenarios, it's best to get in touch with a child custody law service immediately.

Your Custody Arrangement Isn't in the Best Interests of the Child

When you set up a custody relationship with either a guardian or the other parent, the arrangement should be in the best interest of the child. Although the situation might start out on the right footing, it can easily go left, leaving your children with the short end of the stick.

For example, you might have arranged to care for your children during the week while the second party maintains custody on the weekends. However, if the non-custodial parent suddenly starts to party on the weekends and instead of keeping up with the mandated routine they begin to shirk their weekend duties in favor of trying to pick the kids up from school or at night, you need to act. After-school hours that were once devoted to homework and study are now being infringed upon, and your children's grades might start to suffer. Don't wait until the arrangement has been so damaged that there's no way to go back. Seek help from a child custody law service so you can re-establish a working situation that upholds the best interests of the minors involved.

Abuse Should Never Be Tolerated

You should also be vigilant to report any instances of suspected abuse. Those small cuts, bruises, or rashes that always seem to appear whenever your child comes back from their time with the other guardian must be addressed. You don't want to ever put your child into a situation where they are helpless to defend themselves against any kind of abuse that would threaten their mental or physical well-being.

Talking with a representative from a child custody law service arms you with critical information concerning the rights you have as a parent or guardian. If you think you are in one of these situations, you should seek out the professional assistance that can be obtained through one of these services as soon as you possibly can. Go to sites like http://www.cappolellalaw.com to find a child custody law service that can help you.
