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Going Through A Divorce With A Difficult Person: Get The Legal Representation You Need

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Even in the most amicable of separations, trying to figure out asset division and child visitation schedules can be a nightmare. If you are going through a divorce with a person who wants to fight about everything, legal representation will give you the buffer you need to get through the process. Once you have a lawyer in place, you don't have to have direct contact with your ex and you can focus on rebuilding your new life. While you will still have to negotiate dividing up property and a child visitation arrangement, you can have your lawyer be the person who takes the calls and negotiates with your ex to avoid the conflict that occurs.

Figuring Out Child Visitation and Custody

One of the first things to do during a divorce is to settle a schedule with the children if you have any. Children need routine, even when the routine is different from when you were married. Establish a visitation schedule and stick to it as best as you can. If you need to make changes for the sake of the children, work with your attorney to get these changes made. Your ex may use your children against you, so be prepared to allow your attorney to negotiate any child visitation arrangements in the beginning.

Dividing Up Assets

How your assets are divided up will depend on whether you live in a community property state or an equitable distribution state. First, you'll have to identify what the marital assets are. If you had property prior to your marriage, this is probably yours to keep. If you get an inheritance, your ex may not be able to get any of it if you kept it separate. Marital property is divided up in half when you live in a community property state, and what is deemed fair in an equitable distribution state. If your ex fights over everything, establish what you are willing to settle for and let your attorney negotiate on your behalf.

When you work with a divorce lawyer, you will learn what your rights are when it comes to your divorce and property settlement. An argumentative ex may want to fight about every piece of furniture to keep you engaged in the process. Hire a divorce lawyer, and your ex will no longer have direct access to you in order to fight. Get the representation you deserve to make your divorce a bit easier. Reach out to a divorce lawyer service to learn more.
