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Family Law: 3 Indicators That You Need A Family Lawyer Today

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When you ask people if they will need a family lawyer's assistance at one point in their life, many will tell you no. Family law is a tricky segment of the law, and the last thing you should do is handle it on your own. 

Also referred to as matrimonial law, family law deals with legal issues among families, including marriage, divorce, adoption, child support, and civil unions. But when should you talk to a family lawyer? While many people aren't aware of the important roles of family lawyers, there are instances when you need to talk to one. Here are three indicators that you require a family lawyer.

1. You're preparing for your wedding

Weddings are special for many people, and understandably, you want yours to be memorable. However, there is more to marriage than just planning for a wedding. Amid the excitement of planning your wedding, you may easily forget some important legal considerations. 

If you're bringing into the marriage your assets, your attorney will help you prepare a prenup agreement before you say, "I do." This is important as it determines how wealth will be shared in case of death or divorce. You should heavily consider a prenup if there are dependents from previous marriages or a great wealth imbalance. Your attorney will also assist you in getting liability insurance for your wedding and create your estate plan. 

2. You're seriously considering separation

Even in the most loving marriages, there are ups and downs. However, if your marriage is taking a toll on both your physical and mental health and all your attempts to resolve conflicts have failed, you should reevaluate whether it's the right one for you. 

You should contact a family law firm if you have been seriously considering breaking up. Your family lawyer will help you understand your legal options, explain the outcomes of the decision you make, and prepare you for the legal divorce process. 

3. You can't agree on matters regarding custody of your children

Child custody is a contentious topic. Every parent is entitled to look after their children, which often causes conflict during separation or divorce. However, custody problems can also be triggered by other factors. For instance, you may be fighting for custody against other family members or even the state. 

Your family lawyer will guide you through all the steps of getting full custody of your children. They will also collect evidence to prove your innocence if you have been wrongfully accused of child abuse or negligence. 

While family law may seem like a simple topic, if you find yourself in any of these situations, don't take on them alone. Contact a family law lawyer for legal consultation and representation.
