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Can You Hire Only One Lawyer For Your Divorce?

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Are you planning to get a divorce from your spouse, and you know that it will be relatively conflict-free? If so, you are likely wondering if you can save money by only hiring a single lawyer for the divorce. This is not a good idea, and here is what you need to know about this legal situation.

A Lawyer Cannot Represent Both Parties

As much as you may feel like you and your spouse have it together when it comes to getting a divorce, hiring one lawyer for both of you is a major conflict of interest. That is because there will likely be issues that have some sort of conflict where you turn to your lawyer for legal advice. 

For example, you may need to figure out how to split up one spouse's pension so that it is fair. The lawyer's advice could end up being biased towards one person's needs, meaning the other person is not getting proper legal advice over the situation. Each party having their own lawyer will mean that someone is looking out for you and your best interests throughout the entire divorce process.

A Lawyer Can Draft The Paperwork For Both Parties

If you simply want a lawyer to write up the divorce agreement that needs to be signed by both spouses, then it is possible to use a single lawyer for this job. This is often how it works in most divorces, where one lawyer drafts the agreement for both parties. It would then be up to each spouse to review the document independently before deciding if they want to sign it. The problem with this is that you may not understand what you are signing. Having your own lawyer review the document is going to ensure that it is fair, and has all the things in the document that were discussed.

A Spouse May Decline Legal Representation

Both sides do not need to have a lawyer for the divorce process. In fact, one spouse can use a lawyer while the other declines one. It is each person's own prerogative whether they want to have a lawyer involved on their side or not. However, know that not having a lawyer cannot be used as an excuse to justify signing off on a bad deal. You are still responsible for what you agree to.

Reach out to a divorce lawyer in your area if you have any questions about the divorce process.
