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Divorce Lawyer: 3 Crucial Things To Bring During Your Divorce Consultation

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If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, it's important to prepare yourselves for the process. The process is usually complex, especially when other aspects like child support and child custody are involved. The two of you may not agree on these aspects, which is why you need to see a divorce lawyer and let them spearhead the process. However, you might not know how the process will be and what to bring during the divorce consultation. If you have agreed to meet with your divorce lawyer to start the divorce process, here are three things you need to bring with you.

A List of Pertinent Questions

Most spouses are usually in a dilemma when divorcing because they don't know how the process would end and if the final verdict would favor them. Take your time and list all the questions you have about the process or situation. The divorce lawyer will respond to them in a way that gives you a clearer view of the process. 

Questions help you assess your expectations and know how you should handle the process. Whether your questions are complex or straightforward, you should list them and present them to your divorce lawyer during a divorce consultation.

Recent Pay Stubs

Before the divorce lawyer guides you on how to go about various aspects of the divorce process, particularly child support, they will want to assess your financial strength. Usually, the judge first determines what you earn before deciding what you should contribute to child support. In this case, you should bring your pay stubs to help the lawyer know how much you earn so they can make accurate estimates. Most divorce lawyers use the recent pay stubs to determine the monthly contribution each should make.

Marriage-Related Documents

Marriage-related documents like a prenuptial agreement are necessary when preparing a divorce agreement. If the process involves your kids, you may need to bring other documents like birth certificates. Such documents are vital, particularly when you have custody issues or are preparing for trial. Without such documents, the divorce case can be more complex, and it may complicate your expectations and case timelines.

Facing divorce usually comes with negative emotions and feelings. However, you shouldn't handle it all alone. Seek guidance from a divorce lawyer to make the process less stressful. The above are some of the things the lawyer may ask you to bring during a divorce consultation. They use them to analyze the situation and determine the best approach for it.
